Getting & staying motivated & organized

DOWNLOAD HERE: You Perfect Planner .

Fully customizable with a SVG format, as well as ready to print in PNG format.

This planner has helped me stay organized and motivated on a daily basis. It has me excited to wake up and start checking things off my list, no matter how small the tasks are.

I found some templates on Canva, changed them around to fit my needs and now use them on a daily basis to help structure my life around my daughter, my mental health and wellness, my marriage and my small business.

I would recommend you open the SVG file and type in your daily personal and professional to-do list. Start with the personal list and make the items as achievable as possible… And when I say achievable, I mean drink a glass of water, make bed, etc… I print 5 of these out on Monday morning, plus one weekly to-do-list so I have my entire week ready to go.

If you’re like me, the simple act of checking things off a list can be motivation enough to move onto more complex tasks.

If I can complete my personal list, I feel very accomplished at the end of the day. If I can complete my professional tasks, I feel like a rockstar. If I can chip away at my weekly to-do list… I am superwoman. By the end of the week, I look at what’s left, and then add it to the next week’s list if I couldn’t complete it all.

What is on my personal and professional list?

I hope you’re able to find this useful!


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